The TRX cryptocurrency adapts the digital ecosystem for entertainment information. At first, the project worked in the Ethereum blockchain. This choice is conditioned by a quick solution to launch a peer-to-peer network. Later, the developers switched to their own blockchain with a Proof-of-Stake algorithm and Validation consensus. TRON was one of the first platforms to implement this.
News about TRON
27 Jan 2023, 16:00
“MP Brison’s declaration to advance a law that would officially make Tron and Tron-based cryptocurrencies part of St. Maarten’s local commerce and economic infrastructure.”
Learn more about it 👇
"MP Brison's declaration to advance a law that would officially make Tron and Tron-based cryptocurrencies part of St.“MP Brison’s declaration to advance a law that would officially make Tron and Tron-based cryptocurrencies part of St. Maarten’s local commerce and economic infrastructure.”
Learn more about it 👇
27 Jan 2023, 02:14
It was great to spend time with the @UCIBlockchain today at our #TRON workshop! 🤝
It was great to spend time with the @UCIBlockchain today at our #TRON workshop.It was great to spend time with the @UCIBlockchain today at our #TRON workshop! 🤝 https://t.co/iA61WqDvmD
27 Jan 2023, 00:51
Glad to see so many students here for the #TRON web3 workshop! #sTRONgerTogether💪
Glad to see so many students here for the #TRON web3 workshop. #sTRONgerTogether.Glad to see so many students here for the #TRON web3 workshop! #sTRONgerTogether💪 https://t.co/MIDE9NTZI2
26 Jan 2023, 23:10
500k #USDD and a few surprises. #TRON
Will you be ready for #HackaTRON S4? 👇
500k #USDD and a few surprises. #TRON. Will you be ready for #HackaTRON S4.500k #USDD and a few surprises. #TRON
Will you be ready for #HackaTRON S4? 👇
26 Jan 2023, 21:10
With over 7000 #USDD committed to prizes, we are happy to launch a competition for students to participate under the #TRON Climate Initiative (TCI).
Learn more below 👇
With over 7000 #USDD committed to prizes, we are happy to launch a competition for students to participate under the #TRON ClimaWith over 7000 #USDD committed to prizes, we are happy to launch a competition for students to participate under the #TRON Climate Initiative (TCI).
Learn more below 👇
26 Jan 2023, 19:00
It won't be long until adoption is #JustAroundTheBlock.
Read more about it 👇 #TRON
It won't be long until adoption is #JustAroundTheBlock. Read more about it #TRON.It won't be long until adoption is #JustAroundTheBlock.
Read more about it 👇 #TRON
26 Jan 2023, 11:04
📢#TRON Weekly Report 1.16 - 1.22
✅#TRON blockchain height exceeded 47.84 million.
✅The total number of accounts on #TRON reached 137,027,282.
✅The total number of transactions on #TRON reached 4.69 billion.
✅The #TVL on #TRON reached $10.8 billion.
#TRON Weekly Report 1. 16 - 1. #TRON blockchain height exceeded 47. 84 million.📢#TRON Weekly Report 1.16 - 1.22
✅#TRON blockchain height exceeded 47.84 million.
✅The total number of accounts on #TRON reached 137,027,282.
✅The total number of transactions on #TRON reached 4.69 billion.
✅The #TVL on #TRON reached $10.8 billion.
26 Jan 2023, 10:04
🔥 38 مليون دولار من #BUSD على #JustLendDAO!
🚀#BUSD supply on #JustLendDAO is in full wing
🏆#BUSD total supply on #JustLendDA0 has reached a $38 Million milestone
💰Supply your #BUSD at
38 مليون دولار من #BUSD على #JustLendDAO. #BUSD supply on #JustLendDAO is in full wing.🔥 38 مليون دولار من #BUSD على #JustLendDAO! https://t.co/aj0SRQbTFC
🚀#BUSD supply on #JustLendDAO is in full wing
🏆#BUSD total supply on #JustLendDA0 has reached a $38 Million milestone
💰Supply your #BUSD at https://t.co/2GyoChYqEN https://t.co/zNFU0Y7suW
26 Jan 2023, 07:54
👀It is clear that #TRON has become the first choice for the many users of #USDT! @Tether_to
#Stablecoin4Life #TRONStrong💎
Chart of the Day
The largest stablecoin by circulating supply, Tether, has seen increasing use on Tron over the past three years.
It is clear that #TRON has become the first choice for the many users of #USDT. @Tether_to. #Stablecoin4Life #TRONStrong.👀It is clear that #TRON has become the first choice for the many users of #USDT! @Tether_to
#Stablecoin4Life #TRONStrong💎 https://t.co/Yqc4UpI5Yk
Chart of the Day
The largest stablecoin by circulating supply, Tether, has seen increasing use on Tron over the past three years.
#CotD $USDT $ETH $TRX https://t.co/NUExkMuffm
26 Jan 2023, 06:21
RT @defi_sunio: 🔛The new Governance Period that has taken effect from Jan 26th
Top3 LPs in weights:
🔸#USDD 2pool L…
RT @defi_sunio: The new Governance Period that has taken effect from Jan 26th. Top3 LPs in weights:. #USDD 2pool L….RT @defi_sunio: 🔛The new https://t.co/KFtGKsS4xB Governance Period that has taken effect from Jan 26th
Top3 LPs in weights:
🔸#USDD 2pool L…
25 Jan 2023, 11:29
RT @zaifdotjp: /
RT @zaifdotjp: /. 本日、2023年1月25日(水)より. 【トロン(TRX)取扱記念キャンペーン】開催のお知らせ. 条件を満たした方【全員】に1000円相当分のトロン(TRX)おてがるトレードをプレゼント. 是非ご参加ください.RT @zaifdotjp: /
25 Jan 2023, 10:35
📢#TRX is live for trading on @zaifdotjp in Japan!
Deposits and withdrawals of #TRX are available now. 🙌
Enjoy, #TRONICS!
#TRX is live for trading on @zaifdotjp in Japan. Deposits and withdrawals of #TRX are available now. Enjoy, #TRONICS.📢#TRX is live for trading on @zaifdotjp in Japan!
Deposits and withdrawals of #TRX are available now. 🙌
Enjoy, #TRONICS! https://t.co/sMKKfWSvpL
25 Jan 2023, 09:35
RT @zaifdotjp: Orderbook tradingにてトロン(TRX)の取扱いを開始したことをお知らせ致します。
RT @zaifdotjp: Orderbook tradingにてトロン(TRX)の取扱いを開始したことをお知らせ致します。. ZaifでのTRX取引をお楽しみ頂けますと幸いです。.RT @zaifdotjp: Orderbook tradingにてトロン(TRX)の取扱いを開始したことをお知らせ致します。
25 Jan 2023, 08:55
RT @zaifdotjp: 本日18時から開始、座談会(スペース)のURLはこちらとなります。
RT @zaifdotjp: 本日18時から開始、座談会(スペース)のURLはこちらとなります。. 皆さま、奮ってご参加下さいませ.RT @zaifdotjp: 本日18時から開始、座談会(スペース)のURLはこちらとなります。
25 Jan 2023, 06:21
RT @zaifdotjp: 座談会は本日18時より開催します。
RT @zaifdotjp: 座談会は本日18時より開催します。. Twitterのスペース機能を使いどなたでも無料でご参加頂けます. 皆様是非ご視聴ください.RT @zaifdotjp: 座談会は本日18時より開催します。
25 Jan 2023, 05:56
#TronLink 주간 보고서(2023.1.16–2023.1.22)
#TronLink 주간 보고서(2023. 16–2023.#TronLink 주간 보고서(2023.1.16–2023.1.22)
25 Jan 2023, 05:27
RT @trondao: 🧐Throughout history, each significant change over time constructs a new narrative. For #TRON, 2022 touches on preservation, ex…
RT @trondao: Throughout history, each significant change over time constructs a new narrative.RT @trondao: 🧐Throughout history, each significant change over time constructs a new narrative. For #TRON, 2022 touches on preservation, ex…
25 Jan 2023, 01:00
Interested in the newest updates from #TRON?
Watch the video below and stay updated 👇
Interested in the newest updates from #TRON. Watch the video below and stay updated.Interested in the newest updates from #TRON?
Watch the video below and stay updated 👇 https://t.co/V1Agaqce2F
25 Jan 2023, 00:00
When we say adoption is close, it's just #AroundTheBlock.
Cheers to the citizens of St. Maarten for taking the first step into a brighter and digital future with #TRON.
For more information, read below👇
When we say adoption is close, it's just #AroundTheBlock. Cheers to the citizens of St.When we say adoption is close, it's just #AroundTheBlock.
Cheers to the citizens of St. Maarten for taking the first step into a brighter and digital future with #TRON.
For more information, read below👇
24 Jan 2023, 17:50
Blockchain tiene el potencial de alterar las estructuras de poder tradicionales en nuestras sociedades.
Lo haremos realidad juntos. #TRON
Blockchain tiene el potencial de alterar las estructuras de poder tradicionales en nuestras sociedades.Blockchain tiene el potencial de alterar las estructuras de poder tradicionales en nuestras sociedades.
Lo haremos realidad juntos. #TRON
24 Jan 2023, 17:00
Blockchain has the potential to disrupt traditional power structures in our societies.
We will make it happen together. #TRON
Blockchain has the potential to disrupt traditional power structures in our societies. We will make it happen together. #TRON.Blockchain has the potential to disrupt traditional power structures in our societies.
We will make it happen together. #TRON
24 Jan 2023, 14:30
📮 تقرير #TRON الأسبوعي | 01.16 – 2023.01.22
1️⃣ تجاوز ارتفاع كتلة #TRON الى 47.84 مليون
2️⃣ تجاوز إجمالي عدد حسابات #TRON الى 137 مليون حساب
3️⃣ بلغت #TVL (القيمة الإجمالية المقفلة) عبر منتجات TRON DeFi الى 10.8 مليار دولار
⬇️ التقرير
تقرير #TRON الأسبوعي | 01. 16 – 2023. تجاوز ارتفاع كتلة #TRON الى 47. 84 مليون.📮 تقرير #TRON الأسبوعي | 01.16 – 2023.01.22
1️⃣ تجاوز ارتفاع كتلة #TRON الى 47.84 مليون
2️⃣ تجاوز إجمالي عدد حسابات #TRON الى 137 مليون حساب
3️⃣ بلغت #TVL (القيمة الإجمالية المقفلة) عبر منتجات TRON DeFi الى 10.8 مليار دولار
⬇️ التقرير
24 Jan 2023, 13:59
🧐As we look back on #TRON in the past year, it’s clear that 2022 was a pivotal year for us.
🚀With a rapidly expanding community & the unremitting effort on network construction, #TRON ecosystem continued to evolve & mature.
🔥Let’s take a closer look at some key metrics.
As we look back on #TRON in the past year, it's clear that 2022 was a pivotal year for us.🧐As we look back on #TRON in the past year, it’s clear that 2022 was a pivotal year for us.
🚀With a rapidly expanding community & the unremitting effort on network construction, #TRON ecosystem continued to evolve & mature.
🔥Let’s take a closer look at some key metrics.
👇 https://t.co/XUHWi85ez7
24 Jan 2023, 03:49
RT @zaifdotjp: 2023年1月25日(水) 18時より、【緊急開催!】 Zaif座談会 ~TRX上場記念特別対談~
を開催します。TRON DAO Japan 担当者の方をゲストに招き語り合いますので、皆様是非奮ってご参加ください。
RT @zaifdotjp: 2023年1月25日(水) 18時より、【緊急開催. 】 Zaif座談会 ~TRX上場記念特別対談~. を開催します。TRON DAO Japan 担当者の方をゲストに招き語り合いますので、皆様是非奮ってご参加ください。.RT @zaifdotjp: 2023年1月25日(水) 18時より、【緊急開催!】 Zaif座談会 ~TRX上場記念特別対談~
を開催します。TRON DAO Japan 担当者の方をゲストに招き語り合いますので、皆様是非奮ってご参加ください。
23 Jan 2023, 23:33
¡El futuro es #blockchain y la adopción está a la vuelta de la esquina!
¡Otro bombazo para #TRON! St Maarten adopta TRON como moneda de curso legal y marca otro logro en nuestra carrera por la adopción mundial de blockchain.
¡El futuro es #blockchain y la adopción está a la vuelta de la esquina. ¡Otro bombazo para #TRON.¡El futuro es #blockchain y la adopción está a la vuelta de la esquina!
¡Otro bombazo para #TRON! St Maarten adopta TRON como moneda de curso legal y marca otro logro en nuestra carrera por la adopción mundial de blockchain.
23 Jan 2023, 20:32
Another milestone for #TRON! St Maarten to adopt TRON as legal tender marks another achievement for our push on worldwide blockchain adoption.
Another milestone for #TRON.Another milestone for #TRON! St Maarten to adopt TRON as legal tender marks another achievement for our push on worldwide blockchain adoption.
23 Jan 2023, 20:14
The future of #Blockchain begins with education.
Join us as we build the future of #Web3 with @UCIBlockchain. #TRON
Salutations everyone. Do you want to network and start a resume worthy project with #Web3 pioneers? Do you want free food, merchandise, and a free #NFT?!? Are you not entertai- intrigued? If you are, Blockchain at UCI wants YOU to RSVP and attend our @trondao workshops next week!
The future of #Blockchain begins with education. Join us as we build the future of #Web3 with @UCIBlockchain. #TRON.The future of #Blockchain begins with education.
Join us as we build the future of #Web3 with @UCIBlockchain. #TRON https://t.co/xgNIed5m4B
Salutations everyone. Do you want to network and start a resume worthy project with #Web3 pioneers? Do you want free food, merchandise, and a free #NFT?!? Are you not entertai- intrigued? If you are, Blockchain at UCI wants YOU to RSVP and attend our @trondao workshops next week! https://t.co/JKm8Y180Sb
23 Jan 2023, 13:07
🧐Throughout history, each significant change over time constructs a new narrative. For #TRON, 2022 touches on preservation, exploration, and innovation.💪
Let’s have a quick look at #TRON’s new identities in 2022👇
Throughout history, each significant change over time constructs a new narrative.🧐Throughout history, each significant change over time constructs a new narrative. For #TRON, 2022 touches on preservation, exploration, and innovation.💪
Let’s have a quick look at #TRON’s new identities in 2022👇 https://t.co/fxo5wUjWCH
23 Jan 2023, 11:54
RT @zaifdotjp: /
RT @zaifdotjp: /. トロン(TRX)取扱い記念キャンペーン③「おてがるトレード取引キャンペーン」のお知らせ. 条件を満たした方【全員】に1,000円相当分のトロン(TRX)おてがるトレードをプレゼント. 是非ご参加ください.RT @zaifdotjp: /
23 Jan 2023, 09:22
🔥$38 Million #BUSD on #JustLendDAO!
🚀#BUSD supply on #JustLendDAO is in full wing
🏆#BUSD total supply on #JustLendDA0 has reached a $38 Million milestone
💰Supply your #BUSD at
$38 Million #BUSD on #JustLendDAO. #BUSD supply on #JustLendDAO is in full wing.🔥$38 Million #BUSD on #JustLendDAO! https://t.co/QMe1syPPhW
🚀#BUSD supply on #JustLendDAO is in full wing
🏆#BUSD total supply on #JustLendDA0 has reached a $38 Million milestone
💰Supply your #BUSD at https://t.co/2GyoChYqEN https://t.co/zNFU0Y7suW
23 Jan 2023, 09:18
RT @DeFi_JUST: 🚀#BUSD supply on #JustLendDAO is in full wing
🏆#BUSD total supply on #JustLendDA0 has reached a $38 Million milestone
RT @DeFi_JUST: #BUSD supply on #JustLendDAO is in full wing.RT @DeFi_JUST: 🚀#BUSD supply on #JustLendDAO is in full wing
🏆#BUSD total supply on #JustLendDA0 has reached a $38 Million milestone
23 Jan 2023, 05:46
RT @DeFi_JUST: 👀Overview of the Current Market on #JustLendDAO
Supply Market📥
🥇#BTC $2.53 Billion
🥈#USDC $257.66 Million
🥉#USDD $221.41…
RT @DeFi_JUST: Overview of the Current Market on #JustLendDAO. Supply Market. #BTC $2. 53 Billion. #USDC $257. 66 Million.RT @DeFi_JUST: 👀Overview of the Current Market on #JustLendDAO
Supply Market📥
🥇#BTC $2.53 Billion
🥈#USDC $257.66 Million
🥉#USDD $221.41…
23 Jan 2023, 03:17
RT @DeFi_JUST: 📢Listing Announcement!
🥳It is available to supply and borrow #BUSD on #JustLendDAO now!
👏Pleased to have #BUSD join in💪
RT @DeFi_JUST: Listing Announcement. It is available to supply and borrow #BUSD on #JustLendDAO now.RT @DeFi_JUST: 📢Listing Announcement!
🥳It is available to supply and borrow #BUSD on #JustLendDAO now!
👏Pleased to have #BUSD join in💪
23 Jan 2023, 02:16
RT @TRONSCAN_ORG: 🎉🎉🎉Congratulations!!! #TRON's total accounts have reached 137,229,193, exceeding 137 million!
🚀#TRON ecosystem has devel…
RT @TRONSCAN_ORG: Congratulations. #TRON's total accounts have reached 137,229,193, exceeding 137 million.RT @TRONSCAN_ORG: 🎉🎉🎉Congratulations!!! #TRON's total accounts have reached 137,229,193, exceeding 137 million!
🚀#TRON ecosystem has devel…
22 Jan 2023, 16:10
#TRON が、純生産比率 -2,620,458 で
7,679,753 枚以上のコインを焼却した🔥
21st January: #TRON burns more than 7,679,753 coins 🔥 with a net production ratio less than zero -2,620,458 🤯
1月21日:. #TRON が、純生産比率 -2,620,458 で. 7,679,753 枚以上のコインを焼却した.1月21日:
#TRON が、純生産比率 -2,620,458 で
7,679,753 枚以上のコインを焼却した🔥 https://t.co/IEWjAaL6yz
21st January: #TRON burns more than 7,679,753 coins 🔥 with a net production ratio less than zero -2,620,458 🤯 https://t.co/Da7SeQRrnf
22 Jan 2023, 06:27
🧐Check out #TRON Highlights from this week (Jan 14, 2023 - Jan 20, 2023).
🙌We'll update you on the main news about #TRON and #TRON #Ecosystem. So stay tuned, #TRONICS!
Check out #TRON Highlights from this week (Jan 14, 2023 - Jan 20, 2023).🧐Check out #TRON Highlights from this week (Jan 14, 2023 - Jan 20, 2023).
🙌We'll update you on the main news about #TRON and #TRON #Ecosystem. So stay tuned, #TRONICS! https://t.co/t2Uz6OXDaG
21 Jan 2023, 11:52
#TRON is excited to announce the upcoming launch of liquid staking, as outlined in TIP467. This new feature will allow users to easily swap their staked #TRX for #STRX, increasing the overall liquidity of staked #TRX. @trondao @trondaoreserve
#TRON is excited to announce the upcoming launch of liquid staking, as outlined in TIP467.👀 https://t.co/CcUWBUpDsX
#TRON is excited to announce the upcoming launch of liquid staking, as outlined in TIP467. This new feature will allow users to easily swap their staked #TRX for #STRX, increasing the overall liquidity of staked #TRX. @trondao @trondaoreserve
21 Jan 2023, 10:04
🤩A Chinese New Year greeting from @justinsuntron!🔥🔥🔥
💪#TRON grew stronger this past year, resisting the trend of ups and downs of the global blockchain industry. 🚀
🤗We wish you good luck & success for this Year of the Rabbit!🐰
A Chinese New Year greeting from @justinsuntron.🤩A Chinese New Year greeting from @justinsuntron!🔥🔥🔥
💪#TRON grew stronger this past year, resisting the trend of ups and downs of the global blockchain industry. 🚀
🤗We wish you good luck & success for this Year of the Rabbit!🐰 https://t.co/0bKIeUgsPF
21 Jan 2023, 07:02
🧨Happy Lunar New Year to all #TRON supporters!🎉
❤️We wish you and your family a prosperous Year of the Rabbit.🐇
Happy Lunar New Year to all #TRON supporters. We wish you and your family a prosperous Year of the Rabbit. #LunarNewYear2023.🧨Happy Lunar New Year to all #TRON supporters!🎉
❤️We wish you and your family a prosperous Year of the Rabbit.🐇
#LunarNewYear2023 https://t.co/iWKOxKWXJB
21 Jan 2023, 00:00
Safeguard your digital assets with these effective suggestions. #TronStrong💎
Safeguard your digital assets with these effective suggestions. #TronStrong.Safeguard your digital assets with these effective suggestions. #TronStrong💎 https://t.co/Aw35LngtTJ
20 Jan 2023, 15:55
Stay informed about #TRON's progress and stay #TronStrong💎
𝟓 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐔𝐓𝐄 𝐑𝐄𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑. Stay informed about #TRON's progress and stay #TronStrong.🔈𝟓 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐔𝐓𝐄 𝐑𝐄𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑🔈
Stay informed about #TRON's progress and stay #TronStrong💎 https://t.co/ofTOqSXb5Q
20 Jan 2023, 06:51
📢The No.82 committee proposal of the #TRON network was officially approved on January 20, 2023, at 14:00 (SGT).
🧐The main content of this proposal is to modify the No.69 network parameter.
The No. 82 committee proposal of the #TRON network was officially approved on January 20, 2023, at 14:00 (SGT).📢The No.82 committee proposal of the #TRON network was officially approved on January 20, 2023, at 14:00 (SGT).
🧐The main content of this proposal is to modify the No.69 network parameter.
20 Jan 2023, 04:38
RT @VenusProtocol: 📣 Join us on Friday for a live interview with H.E. Justin Sun to learn more about the new TRON Assets coming to Venus Is…
RT @VenusProtocol: Join us on Friday for a live interview with H.RT @VenusProtocol: 📣 Join us on Friday for a live interview with H.E. Justin Sun to learn more about the new TRON Assets coming to Venus Is…
20 Jan 2023, 03:04
18 يناير: #TRON تحرق أكثر من 11,170,790 #TRX بمعدل إنتاج صافٍ أقل من صفر -6,106,567 🔥
18 يناير: #TRON تحرق أكثر من 11,170,790 #TRX بمعدل إنتاج صافٍ أقل من صفر -6,106,567.18 يناير: #TRON تحرق أكثر من 11,170,790 #TRX بمعدل إنتاج صافٍ أقل من صفر -6,106,567 🔥
20 Jan 2023, 01:33
ستتوفر #TRX على @zaifdotjp في اليابان اعتبارًا من 25 يناير 2023.
لمزيد من التفاصيل: corp.zaif.jp/info/16072/
ستتوفر #TRX على @zaifdotjp في اليابان اعتبارًا من 25 يناير 2023. لمزيد من التفاصيل: corp. jp/info/16072/.ستتوفر #TRX على @zaifdotjp في اليابان اعتبارًا من 25 يناير 2023.
لمزيد من التفاصيل: corp.zaif.jp/info/16072/
19 Jan 2023, 15:12
@zaifdotjp、#トロン(#TRX)取扱記念キャンペーンを開催. 条件を満たした方【全員】に1000円相当分のトロン(TRX)おてがるトレードをプレゼント.@zaifdotjp、#トロン(#TRX)取扱記念キャンペーンを開催!
19 Jan 2023, 10:56
8⃣A Straight-A Student in Authoritative Reports
💪#TRON makes sure to set an example for new projects in thriving during a bearish market.
🚀In 2022, #TRON increased its #TVL by 61% while being a leader in eco-friendly blockchains.
2022 #TRON NEW IDENTITY. A Straight-A Student in Authoritative Reports.✨2022 #TRON NEW IDENTITY✨
8⃣A Straight-A Student in Authoritative Reports
💪#TRON makes sure to set an example for new projects in thriving during a bearish market.
🚀In 2022, #TRON increased its #TVL by 61% while being a leader in eco-friendly blockchains. https://t.co/sVBRplKzmX
19 Jan 2023, 08:41
📣金曜日に@justinsuntronのライブインタビューに参加し、Venus Isolated Marketsに登場する新しい #TRON Assetsについて学び、#TRONエコシステム について独自の洞察を得ることができる。
⏰ 9:00am GMT-4
#仮想通貨 #暗号資産 #ブロックチェーン
📣 Join us on Friday for a live interview with H.E. Justin Sun to learn more about the new TRON Assets coming to Venus Isolated Markets and get unique insights on the TRON ecosystem.
🗓 January 20, 2023
⏰ 9:00am GMT-4
$XVS $VAI #TRON @justinsuntron
金曜日に@justinsuntronのライブインタビューに参加し、Venus Isolated Marketsに登場する新しい #TRON Assetsについて学び、#TRONエコシステム について独自の洞察を得ることができる。.📣金曜日に@justinsuntronのライブインタビューに参加し、Venus Isolated Marketsに登場する新しい #TRON Assetsについて学び、#TRONエコシステム について独自の洞察を得ることができる。
🔗 https://t.co/UclDlvibx2
⏰ 9:00am GMT-4
#仮想通貨 #暗号資産 #ブロックチェーン https://t.co/DAiiJpcqmG
📣 Join us on Friday for a live interview with H.E. Justin Sun to learn more about the new TRON Assets coming to Venus Isolated Markets and get unique insights on the TRON ecosystem.
🔗 https://t.co/tP2DPTh6rR
🗓 January 20, 2023
⏰ 9:00am GMT-4
$XVS $VAI #TRON @justinsuntron https://t.co/oGEbERjEVL https://t.co/JWs4tqh3yM
19 Jan 2023, 01:00
Blockchain = Decentralization.
Blockchain = Trustworthy record keeping.
Blockchain = Unbreakable security.
Blockchain = Decentralization. Blockchain = Trustworthy record keeping. Blockchain = Unbreakable security. #TronStrong.Blockchain = Decentralization.
Blockchain = Trustworthy record keeping.
Blockchain = Unbreakable security.