The TRX cryptocurrency adapts the digital ecosystem for entertainment information. At first, the project worked in the Ethereum blockchain. This choice is conditioned by a quick solution to launch a peer-to-peer network. Later, the developers switched to their own blockchain with a Proof-of-Stake algorithm and Validation consensus. TRON was one of the first platforms to implement this.
News about TRON
17 Jan 2024, 12:41
ジャスティンは12月のTaipei #Blockchain Weekで講演した🎙️
#TRONネットワーク は多くの #ステーブルコイン の取引を扱っていますが、他にもネットワーク上でできることがあります!
ジャスティンは12月のTaipei #Blockchain Weekで講演した. #TRONネットワーク は多くの #ステーブルコイン の取引を扱っていますが、他にもネットワーク上でできることがあります.ジャスティンは12月のTaipei #Blockchain Weekで講演した🎙️
#TRONネットワーク は多くの #ステーブルコイン の取引を扱っていますが、他にもネットワーク上でできることがあります!
17 Jan 2024, 11:11
В #TRONNetwork мы достигаем 2000 т/с! 🚀
Ничего страшного, но это определенно не обычный банковский перевод. 😎
В #TRONNetwork мы достигаем 2000 т/с. Ничего страшного, но это определенно не обычный банковский перевод.В #TRONNetwork мы достигаем 2000 т/с! 🚀
Ничего страшного, но это определенно не обычный банковский перевод. 😎
17 Jan 2024, 08:57
Пятый сезон нашего #HackaTRON был потрясающим: в нем были представлены материалы от инновационных проектов,охватывающих 5 разных треков!
Узнайте больше о нашем предстоящем 6-м сезоне #HackaTRON в этой статье от @Benzinga :https://t.co/y1YOfRVb6Y Season-5-recap-and- Season-6-preview
Пятый сезон нашего #HackaTRON был потрясающим: в нем были представлены материалы от инновационных проектов,охватывающих 5 разныхПятый сезон нашего #HackaTRON был потрясающим: в нем были представлены материалы от инновационных проектов,охватывающих 5 разных треков!
Узнайте больше о нашем предстоящем 6-м сезоне #HackaTRON в этой статье от @Benzinga :https://t.co/y1YOfRVb6Y Season-5-recap-and- Season-6-preview
17 Jan 2024, 08:36
🥳دعونا نلقي نظرة عامة على بيانات #WIN في سوق
✨تجاوزت سيولة WIN-USDT LP على SunSwap V2 الى 2.5 مليون دولار
💁♂️ للمزيد:
دعونا نلقي نظرة عامة على بيانات #WIN في سوق. تجاوزت سيولة WIN-USDT LP على SunSwap V2 الى 2. 5 مليون دولار. للمزيد:.🥳دعونا نلقي نظرة عامة على بيانات #WIN في سوق https://t.co/n1RBtr9jxz
✨تجاوزت سيولة WIN-USDT LP على SunSwap V2 الى 2.5 مليون دولار
💁♂️ للمزيد: https://t.co/Pbj16CCqZ5
17 Jan 2024, 07:58
🧑🤝🧑انضم إلى مجموعات @defi_sunio الرسمية للحصول على مزيد من المعلومات حول منصة #SUN:
📍 انضم لمجموعة #SUN هنا:
📍 انضم لمجموعة #SunSwap هنا:
لا تتردد في طرح أسئلتك والتحدث مع اعضاء المجتمع 🤗
انضم إلى مجموعات @defi_sunio الرسمية للحصول على مزيد من المعلومات حول منصة #SUN:. انضم لمجموعة #SUN هنا:.🧑🤝🧑انضم إلى مجموعات @defi_sunio الرسمية للحصول على مزيد من المعلومات حول منصة #SUN:
📍 انضم لمجموعة #SUN هنا: https://t.co/IOphRUbUnp
📍 انضم لمجموعة #SunSwap هنا: https://t.co/e0ZqW74BmZ
لا تتردد في طرح أسئلتك والتحدث مع اعضاء المجتمع 🤗
17 Jan 2024, 07:11
Поскольку @EthereumDenver 2024 уже не за горами, мы воспользуемся моментом, чтобы вспомнить время, проведенное там в прошлом году.🙌
Мы встретили замечательных людей и услышали потрясающие панельные дискуссии.🎙️
Смотрите больше:
Поскольку @EthereumDenver 2024 уже не за горами, мы воспользуемся моментом, чтобы вспомнить время, проведенное там в прошлом годПоскольку @EthereumDenver 2024 уже не за горами, мы воспользуемся моментом, чтобы вспомнить время, проведенное там в прошлом году.🙌
Мы встретили замечательных людей и услышали потрясающие панельные дискуссии.🎙️
Смотрите больше:
17 Jan 2024, 06:37
17 Jan 2024, 06:30
🎊مراجعة لما أنجزته BitTorrent Chain في عام 2023
مراجعة لما أنجزته BitTorrent Chain في عام 2023.🎊مراجعة لما أنجزته BitTorrent Chain في عام 2023
17 Jan 2024, 06:05
At #TRONNetwork, we're hitting 2000 tps! 🚀
No biggie, but definitely not your average bank transfer. 😎
At #TRONNetwork, we're hitting 2000 tps. No biggie, but definitely not your average bank transfer.At #TRONNetwork, we're hitting 2000 tps! 🚀
No biggie, but definitely not your average bank transfer. 😎
17 Jan 2024, 06:05
At #TRONNetwork, we're hitting 2000 tps! 🚀
No biggie, but definitely not your average bank transfer. 😎
At #TRONNetwork, we're hitting 2000 tps. No biggie, but definitely not your average bank transfer.At #TRONNetwork, we're hitting 2000 tps! 🚀
No biggie, but definitely not your average bank transfer. 😎
17 Jan 2024, 05:23
بالامس كان هنالك جلسة نقاش عبر تويتر حول استكشاف فرص #DeFi على #TRON
رابط الجلسة: /i/spaces/1ypKdkjrLqqxW
بالامس كان هنالك جلسة نقاش عبر تويتر حول استكشاف فرص #DeFi على #TRON. رابط الجلسة: /i/spaces/1ypKdkjrLqqxW.بالامس كان هنالك جلسة نقاش عبر تويتر حول استكشاف فرص #DeFi على #TRON
رابط الجلسة: /i/spaces/1ypKdkjrLqqxW
17 Jan 2024, 05:05
| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|
| GM #USDD |
\ (•◡•) /
\ /
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|_ |_
| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|. | GM #USDD |. |_____________|. \ (•◡•) /. |_ |_.| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|
| GM #USDD |
\ (•◡•) /
\ /
| |
|_ |_
17 Jan 2024, 01:02
S5 of our #HackaTRON was amazing, featuring submissions from innovative projects spanning 5 different tracks! 🎉🏆
This year we'll be "integrating" a new track... 😏
Find out more about our upcoming Season 6 #HackaTRON in this article from @Benzinga :
S5 of our #HackaTRON was amazing, featuring submissions from innovative projects spanning 5 different tracks.S5 of our #HackaTRON was amazing, featuring submissions from innovative projects spanning 5 different tracks! 🎉🏆
This year we'll be "integrating" a new track... 😏
Find out more about our upcoming Season 6 #HackaTRON in this article from @Benzinga : https://t.co/ws96Z0ltZR
16 Jan 2024, 22:03
Set your reminders for our upcoming space! 🎙️💥
🗓️ January 22nd
⏰ 9am PST / 12pm EST
We'll be talking about what's in store for 2024 with cohost @mobymedia and guests @MercadoBitcoin , @PundiXLabs , @Chain_GPT , and past #HackaTRON winners. 🚀
Tune in: /i/spaces/1DXxyjbBVpbKM
Set your reminders for our upcoming space. January 22nd. 9am PST / 12pm EST.Set your reminders for our upcoming space! 🎙️💥
🗓️ January 22nd
⏰ 9am PST / 12pm EST
We'll be talking about what's in store for 2024 with cohost @mobymedia and guests @MercadoBitcoin , @PundiXLabs , @Chain_GPT , and past #HackaTRON winners. 🚀
Tune in: /i/spaces/1DXxyjbBVpbKM
16 Jan 2024, 20:07
With @EthereumDenver 2024 right around the corner, we're taking a moment to revisit our time there last year. 🙌
We met some wonderful people and heard some amazing panel discussions. 🎙️ We can't wait to attend again this year. ✈️
Watch more:
With @EthereumDenver 2024 right around the corner, we're taking a moment to revisit our time there last year.With @EthereumDenver 2024 right around the corner, we're taking a moment to revisit our time there last year. 🙌
We met some wonderful people and heard some amazing panel discussions. 🎙️ We can't wait to attend again this year. ✈️
Watch more: https://t.co/PeQSqllvIy
16 Jan 2024, 19:03
Capturing some current data from @TRONSCAN_ORG . 🔍👀
The #TRON Network has processed more than 7 BILLION transactions and has more than 200 MILLION accounts! 🤯
Check out more:
Capturing some current data from @TRONSCAN_ORG .Capturing some current data from @TRONSCAN_ORG . 🔍👀
The #TRON Network has processed more than 7 BILLION transactions and has more than 200 MILLION accounts! 🤯
Check out more: https://t.co/U2b7myhGqU
16 Jan 2024, 19:03
Capturing some current data from @TRONSCAN_ORG . 🔍👀
The #TRON Network has processed more than 7 BILLION transactions and has more than 200 MILLION accounts! 🤯
Check out more:
Capturing some current data from @TRONSCAN_ORG .Capturing some current data from @TRONSCAN_ORG . 🔍👀
The #TRON Network has processed more than 7 BILLION transactions and has more than 200 MILLION accounts! 🤯
Check out more: https://t.co/U2b7myhGqU
16 Jan 2024, 13:54
🎊This is a review of what BitTorrent Chain has accomplished in 2023
This is a review of what BitTorrent Chain has accomplished in 2023.🎊This is a review of what BitTorrent Chain has accomplished in 2023
16 Jan 2024, 13:37
(1/5)#トルコ での #TRON ネットワーク上の #USDT の利用状況について、
@pundixturkiye のマネージングディレクター @akyuzhakan_ に話を聞き、理解を深めた。
Hakan Akyüz氏によると、#トルコ は非常に暗号通貨に優しい国だと言う。
(1/5)#トルコ での #TRON ネットワーク上の #USDT の利用状況について、. @pundixturkiye のマネージングディレクター @akyuzhakan_ に話を聞き、理解を深めた。.(1/5)#トルコ での #TRON ネットワーク上の #USDT の利用状況について、
@pundixturkiye のマネージングディレクター @akyuzhakan_ に話を聞き、理解を深めた。
Hakan Akyüz氏によると、#トルコ は非常に暗号通貨に優しい国だと言う。
16 Jan 2024, 12:48
Learn the mechanics and methods behind BTFS
Learn the mechanics and methods behind BTFS.Learn the mechanics and methods behind BTFS
16 Jan 2024, 06:01
Check it out, #TRONICS! 👀
✅We've just crossed 50 Billion with #TRC20-#USDT!
✅Over 36.46 million of us are using it now.
✅And guess what? We've made over 1.5 billion transfers!
TRC20-USDT isn't just a number, it's part of our everyday lives. Let's keep on building! 💪
Check it out, #TRONICS. We've just crossed 50 Billion with #TRC20-#USDT. Over 36. 46 million of us are using it now.Check it out, #TRONICS! 👀
✅We've just crossed 50 Billion with #TRC20-#USDT!
✅Over 36.46 million of us are using it now.
✅And guess what? We've made over 1.5 billion transfers!
TRC20-USDT isn't just a number, it's part of our everyday lives. Let's keep on building! 💪
16 Jan 2024, 04:48
GM #TRONICS! Which kind of GM'er are you? 👀
GM #TRONICS. Which kind of GM'er are you.GM #TRONICS! Which kind of GM'er are you? 👀
15 Jan 2024, 19:22
🔥 "After #PundiX integrated @trondao on XPOS, the transactions with #USDT skyrocketed, all thanks to the low fees and fast transactions of the #TRON network" - @mehmetcetinceli , @pundixturkiye Taksim XPOS crypto exchange store in Istanbul 🇹🇷
Check out the full interview 👇
"After #PundiX integrated @trondao on XPOS, the transactions with #USDT skyrocketed, all thanks to the low fees and fast transac🔥 "After #PundiX integrated @trondao on XPOS, the transactions with #USDT skyrocketed, all thanks to the low fees and fast transactions of the #TRON network" - @mehmetcetinceli , @pundixturkiye Taksim XPOS crypto exchange store in Istanbul 🇹🇷
Check out the full interview 👇
15 Jan 2024, 16:39
Now tracking SUNSwap V3 by @DeFi_JUST on @trondao
Now tracking SUNSwap V3 by @DeFi_JUST on @trondao.Now tracking SUNSwap V3 by @DeFi_JUST on @trondao
15 Jan 2024, 13:04
Get ready for another #TronixTuesday, last weeks topic was #Memes this week we explore DeFi opportunities on #Tron
Join our weekly space tomorrow - Tuesday 16th Jan.
🔔Reminder 📷
Open mic 🎙️dynamic discussions 🗣️ welcoming community! #Tron #TRX
Get ready for another #TronixTuesday, last weeks topic was #Memes this week we explore DeFi opportunities on #Tron.Get ready for another #TronixTuesday, last weeks topic was #Memes this week we explore DeFi opportunities on #Tron
Join our weekly space tomorrow - Tuesday 16th Jan.
🔔Reminder 📷
Open mic 🎙️dynamic discussions 🗣️ welcoming community! #Tron #TRX
15 Jan 2024, 11:15
#TRONICS, если вы пропустили 👀
📈 Рост: 204 млн+ аккаунтов, транзакций на сумму $10 трлн, TVL занял второе место с показателем $8.14 млрд.
💵 Стейблкоины:оцениваются в $50 млрд.
Погрузитесь в детали,@Блок__👇
#TRONICS, если вы пропустили. Рост: 204 млн+ аккаунтов, транзакций на сумму $10 трлн, TVL занял второе место с показателем $8.#TRONICS, если вы пропустили 👀
📈 Рост: 204 млн+ аккаунтов, транзакций на сумму $10 трлн, TVL занял второе место с показателем $8.14 млрд.
💵 Стейблкоины:оцениваются в $50 млрд.
Погрузитесь в детали,@Блок__👇
15 Jan 2024, 10:26
15 Jan 2024, 08:01
🪂 Exclusive Airdrop 🪂
Stake an additional $SOL @solana , $DOT @Polkadot , $MATIC @0xPolygon , or $TRX @trondao token and maintain a minimum staking amount from now till 12:00 am on Jan 25 (UTC) ⛏️
Limited time only 🤯
Go 👉
Exclusive Airdrop.🪂 Exclusive Airdrop 🪂
Stake an additional $SOL @solana , $DOT @Polkadot , $MATIC @0xPolygon , or $TRX @trondao token and maintain a minimum staking amount from now till 12:00 am on Jan 25 (UTC) ⛏️
Limited time only 🤯
Go 👉 https://t.co/EUZeSVVm0G
15 Jan 2024, 07:47
⏰ Hurry up and join the testing experience!
⌛️The public testing event of TRON Friend ends tomorrow. Don't miss out on this opportunity to participate and provide your valuable feedback. Time is running out, so make sure to join now!
Hurry up and join the testing experience. ️The public testing event of TRON Friend ends tomorrow.⏰ Hurry up and join the testing experience!
⌛️The public testing event of TRON Friend ends tomorrow. Don't miss out on this opportunity to participate and provide your valuable feedback. Time is running out, so make sure to join now!
15 Jan 2024, 07:17
👁🗨Know about the weekly APY Rank of SUN #GovernanceMining LPs
◽️#SUN-USDT LP APY up to 20%
◽️#WIN-USDT LP APY up to 14%
◽️#JST-USDT LP APY up to 12%
◽️#NFT-USDT LP APY up to 12%
◽️#BTT-USDT LP APY up to 9%
Participate in the pools and earn rewards in #USDD:…
Know about the weekly APY Rank of SUN #GovernanceMining LPs. ️#SUN-USDT LP APY up to 20%. ️#WIN-USDT LP APY up to 14%.👁🗨Know about the weekly APY Rank of SUN #GovernanceMining LPs
◽️#SUN-USDT LP APY up to 20%
◽️#WIN-USDT LP APY up to 14%
◽️#JST-USDT LP APY up to 12%
◽️#NFT-USDT LP APY up to 12%
◽️#BTT-USDT LP APY up to 9%
Participate in the pools and earn rewards in #USDD:…
15 Jan 2024, 05:53
👀Overview of the Current Market on #JustLendDAO
Supply Market📥
🥇#BTC $4.24 Billion
🥈#wstUSDT $1.68 Billion
🥉#USDD $220.06 Million
Borrow Market📤
🥇#USDT $64.67 Million
🥈#TRX $13.47 Million
🥉#USDD $6.50 Million
👉Supply-to-earn through
Overview of the Current Market on #JustLendDAO. Supply Market. #BTC $4. 24 Billion. #wstUSDT $1. 68 Billion. #USDD $220.👀Overview of the Current Market on #JustLendDAO
Supply Market📥
🥇#BTC $4.24 Billion
🥈#wstUSDT $1.68 Billion
🥉#USDD $220.06 Million
Borrow Market📤
🥇#USDT $64.67 Million
🥈#TRX $13.47 Million
🥉#USDD $6.50 Million
👉Supply-to-earn through https://t.co/2GyoChYqEN
15 Jan 2024, 04:28
Hey #TRONICS, what merch should we drop in 2024?
Shoot us your coolest ideas! 👇
Hey #TRONICS, what merch should we drop in 2024. Shoot us your coolest ideas.Hey #TRONICS, what merch should we drop in 2024?
Shoot us your coolest ideas! 👇
14 Jan 2024, 19:01
Are you staying updated on all the latest #TRON Network developments? 👀
If you've missed some recent news. don't worry! We'll take you through some highlights. 🙌 🧵
Are you staying updated on all the latest #TRON Network developments. If you've missed some recent news. don't worry.Are you staying updated on all the latest #TRON Network developments? 👀
If you've missed some recent news. don't worry! We'll take you through some highlights. 🙌 🧵
14 Jan 2024, 19:01
Are you staying updated on all the latest #TRON Network developments? 👀
If you've missed some recent news. don't worry! We'll take you through some highlights. 🙌 🧵
Are you staying updated on all the latest #TRON Network developments. If you've missed some recent news. don't worry.Are you staying updated on all the latest #TRON Network developments? 👀
If you've missed some recent news. don't worry! We'll take you through some highlights. 🙌 🧵
14 Jan 2024, 16:07
🧐Check out #TRON Highlights from this week (Jan 06, 2024 - Jan 12, 2024).
🙌We'll update you on the main news about #TRON and #TRON #Ecosystem. So stay tuned, #TRONICS!
Check out #TRON Highlights from this week (Jan 06, 2024 - Jan 12, 2024).🧐Check out #TRON Highlights from this week (Jan 06, 2024 - Jan 12, 2024).
🙌We'll update you on the main news about #TRON and #TRON #Ecosystem. So stay tuned, #TRONICS!
12 Jan 2024, 14:06
🎉The average daily transfer volume of #stablecoins on #TRONNetwork reached $13,067,916,233 (2024.01.05-2024.01.11)! #USDD #USDT #USDJ #TUSD #USDC
The average daily transfer volume of #stablecoins on #TRONNetwork reached $13,067,916,233 (2024. 05-2024.🎉The average daily transfer volume of #stablecoins on #TRONNetwork reached $13,067,916,233 (2024.01.05-2024.01.11)! #USDD #USDT #USDJ #TUSD #USDC
12 Jan 2024, 12:30
※お手数をおかけしますが、LINEで「#TRON DAO JAPAN」友達追加後、リプでもDMでもLINEでもいいので声かけてください✉️✨
𝗟𝗜𝗡𝗘友達登録キャンペーンの抽選に参加された方へのツイートです. ※お手数をおかけしますが、LINEで「#TRON DAO JAPAN」友達追加後、リプでもDMでもLINEでもいいので声かけてください.📣𝗟𝗜𝗡𝗘友達登録キャンペーンの抽選に参加された方へのツイートです!
※お手数をおかけしますが、LINEで「#TRON DAO JAPAN」友達追加後、リプでもDMでもLINEでもいいので声かけてください✉️✨
12 Jan 2024, 11:06
#TRONICS, in case you missed it 👀
📈 Growth: 204M+ accounts, $10T in transactions, TVL ranked #2 at $8.14B
💵 Stablecoins: Valued at $50B
🤝 Collabs: Dominica, JCBA, Google Cloud, Huawei
🎮 HackaTRON: 3,500+ participants, $1M in prizes
🌎 TBT: Stanford, Princeton, NYC, LA,…
#TRONICS, in case you missed it. Growth: 204M+ accounts, $10T in transactions, TVL ranked #2 at $8. Stablecoins: Valued at $50B.#TRONICS, in case you missed it 👀
📈 Growth: 204M+ accounts, $10T in transactions, TVL ranked #2 at $8.14B
💵 Stablecoins: Valued at $50B
🤝 Collabs: Dominica, JCBA, Google Cloud, Huawei
🎮 HackaTRON: 3,500+ participants, $1M in prizes
🌎 TBT: Stanford, Princeton, NYC, LA,…
12 Jan 2024, 09:40
🎉🎉🎉Поздравляем!!! Общее количество аккаунтов #TRON достигло 206 177 470, превысив 206 миллионов!
Экосистема #TRON быстро развивалась и продолжает прилагать усилия по децентрализации сети.
🥰Благодарность всем #TRONICS!
Поздравляем. Общее количество аккаунтов #TRON достигло 206 177 470, превысив 206 миллионов.🎉🎉🎉Поздравляем!!! Общее количество аккаунтов #TRON достигло 206 177 470, превысив 206 миллионов!
Экосистема #TRON быстро развивалась и продолжает прилагать усилия по децентрализации сети.
🥰Благодарность всем #TRONICS!
12 Jan 2024, 08:59
What if DongFang ZhenXuan jumped into Web 3.0? It could really shake things up for creators and users, making things fairer and sparking new ideas in the online world. 🤔
Dive in here 👇🏻
What if DongFang ZhenXuan jumped into Web 3.What if DongFang ZhenXuan jumped into Web 3.0? It could really shake things up for creators and users, making things fairer and sparking new ideas in the online world. 🤔
Dive in here 👇🏻
12 Jan 2024, 07:35
Встречайте @MercadoBitcoin : с 2013 г. они привлекли 3.8 млн клиентов и управляли сделками на сумму $15 млрд,зарекомендовав себя как ведущая криптовалютная биржа Бразилии.💪
$TRX теперь на Mercado Bitcoin!Важным шагом для #TRONNetwork является расширение доступа #TRONICS к TRX.📷
Встречайте @MercadoBitcoin : с 2013 г. они привлекли 3.Встречайте @MercadoBitcoin : с 2013 г. они привлекли 3.8 млн клиентов и управляли сделками на сумму $15 млрд,зарекомендовав себя как ведущая криптовалютная биржа Бразилии.💪
$TRX теперь на Mercado Bitcoin!Важным шагом для #TRONNetwork является расширение доступа #TRONICS к TRX.📷
12 Jan 2024, 05:59
#TRONICS, don't forget, voting ends in just 2 days! Let's see what we can achieve in this final push. 🎁
#TRONICS, don't forget, voting ends in just 2 days. Let's see what we can achieve in this final push.#TRONICS, don't forget, voting ends in just 2 days! Let's see what we can achieve in this final push. 🎁
12 Jan 2024, 05:18
#抽選 で5名様に2000円分の $USDD を🎁
公式 #Facebook 加入で
公式 #Telegram 加入で
公式 #LINE に友達登録で
#TRON #懸賞 #プレゼント企画
当アカウントをフォロー&RTで. #抽選 で5名様に2000円分の $USDD を. 公式 #Facebook 加入で. 抽選で3名様に3000円分のUSDDを. 公式 #Telegram 加入で. 抽選で5名様に4000円分のUSDDを.当アカウントをフォロー&RTで
#抽選 で5名様に2000円分の $USDD を🎁
公式 #Facebook 加入で
公式 #Telegram 加入で
公式 #LINE に友達登録で
#TRON #懸賞 #プレゼント企画
11 Jan 2024, 23:04
The #TRON Network is used globally for retail payments, from places in South America to locations in Europe and Asia. 🌎🚀
📺 Here's an example so you can see this in action:
The #TRON Network is used globally for retail payments, from places in South America to locations in Europe and Asia.The #TRON Network is used globally for retail payments, from places in South America to locations in Europe and Asia. 🌎🚀
📺 Here's an example so you can see this in action: https://t.co/vtw59BGoLJ
11 Jan 2024, 21:30
Our Enterprise Lead, @MrMinter_eth , was recently in Istanbul and was able to exchange #USDT for Turkish lira and then go to the bazaaar to purchase goods. 💸
Our Enterprise Lead, @MrMinter_eth , was recently in Istanbul and was able to exchange #USDT for Turkish lira and then go to theOur Enterprise Lead, @MrMinter_eth , was recently in Istanbul and was able to exchange #USDT for Turkish lira and then go to the bazaaar to purchase goods. 💸
11 Jan 2024, 20:18
$TRX, #TRON Network's native utility token launches on the LARGEST crypto exchange in Brazil, @MercadoBitcoin ! 🇧🇷
We're thrilled to play a role in advancing #blockchain tech in Brazil and remain committed to our mission of making our network accessible to all 8B people globally.…
$TRX, #TRON Network's native utility token launches on the LARGEST crypto exchange in Brazil, @MercadoBitcoin .$TRX, #TRON Network's native utility token launches on the LARGEST crypto exchange in Brazil, @MercadoBitcoin ! 🇧🇷
We're thrilled to play a role in advancing #blockchain tech in Brazil and remain committed to our mission of making our network accessible to all 8B people globally.…
11 Jan 2024, 19:01
1. Fast ⚡
2. Efficient ✔️
3. Borderless 🌏
What do these three things have in common? 🤔
Fast. Efficient. Borderless. What do these three things have in common.1. Fast ⚡
2. Efficient ✔️
3. Borderless 🌏
What do these three things have in common? 🤔
11 Jan 2024, 14:07
In case you didn't know, the TRX ETF has actually been trading in Europe for quite some time now, with the help of VanEck, which is also one of the main providers of Bitcoin ETFs.
In case you didn't know, the TRX ETF has actually been trading in Europe for quite some time now, with the help of VanEck, whichIn case you didn't know, the TRX ETF has actually been trading in Europe for quite some time now, with the help of VanEck, which is also one of the main providers of Bitcoin ETFs.